Kiera's Kindness Has Three Goals:


Spread Kindness

We have all heard of doing a kind act referred to as "Paying It Forward".  Kiera embodied kindness.  We can make the world a little more like Kiera through spreading our own acts of "Kiera's Kindness".


Like many little girls, Kiera loved unicorns.  They embody the "Magic", "Beauty", and "Uniqueness" of youth that somehow fades with age.  Kiera had a goal of placing Unicorns all over the world. 

Let's make it happen.

Send a Unicorn Now. 


Do Other Charitable Work

There is no limit to the ways we can help people.  As other ways to help people come along, Kiera will be there. Helping the best she can.


Kiera Is An Inspiring 5 Year Old Girl


Kiera's story is happy one, despite its sad ending. Kiera was born in Las Vegas to a loving home.  Everything she did - she did with kindness.  Kiera befriended the new boy in class who nobody liked.  Kiera wrote cards to let her friends know she cared.  Kiera even insisted the geckos found in the house were put outside safely to live in the backyard and eat bugs. 

Kiera passed away suddenly in January 2015.  Kiera's passing unfairly limited her acts of kindness. 

However, Kiera's Kindness lives on through all of those she has inspired, and continues to inspire, to share kindness again each day.  Kiera may be gone, but we will make sure this world will get its fair share of Kiera's Kindness.

